Saint of the Month

Saint Katherine Drexel, Virgin (U.S.A.) 1858-1955

Feast day is March 3―Patron Saint of racial justice and philanthropists

Saint Katherine Drexel was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1858. She took an avid interest in the well being of black and native Americans. She began by donating money but soon realized more was necessary. She founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Black and Native American peoples, dedicating $20 million to this work. She opened the first mission school for Indians and many others for blacks in the south. She was remembered for her love of the Eucharist and a desire for unity of all peoples. She was courageous and took the initiative to address social inequality within minorities. She believed all should have access to a quality education and her selfless service, including the donation of her inheritance, helped many reach that goal. She became only the 2nd recognized American born saint in the year 2000.

March 3: St. Katharine Drexel, Virgin (U.S.A.) (5:53)

Saint Katharine Drexel shows us that true happiness comes not from money or comfort but from serving and loving others. Each of us can find ways to help those in need, whether through our time, resources, or simple acts of kindness. Her life is a powerful reminder that when we live for others, we bring light to the world.

Here are three Lessons we can learn from Saint Katherine Drexel:

1. Saint Katharine teaches us that true faith means action.

Katherine came from a wealthy family and could have lived a comfortable life without worry, yet she chose a different path. She saw suffering around her and felt called to help, especially for Native American and Black communities who faced poverty and prejudice. Her choices remind us that faith isn’t just about words; it’s about how we treat others and the sacrifices we are willing to make to help them. She was a woman who truly lived her life by the principles of faith and service. She believed deeply in the power of faith to guide and inspire, and she dedicated her life to serving others.

She truly lived her life by the principles of faith and service: “We must remember that we are not called to do all the good possible, but only that which we can do, and that which God wants us to do.” This quote from her reminds us that it is not about trying to do everything, but rather about doing what we can with the gifts and opportunities that we have been given.

2. Saint Katharine teaches us the power of Catholic education.

In a day and age where indoctrination is particularly prevalent in minority cultures, Katharine believed quality education could open doors to opportunity and dignity. She dedicated her resources to building schools and creating learning opportunities for those who were denied them. Today, her example calls us to support education as a way to lift others up. She teaches us that knowledge and faith together give people the tools to create better lives.

She believes that education is the key to success: “Education is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. It equips you with the tools to navigate through life’s challenges and create a better future.” This quote from her reminds that quality education empowers people to think critically, make informed decisions, and pursue their goals.

3. Saint Katharine teaches us to be active in promoting social justice.

Most of what passes today for social justice is actually the Marxist leftist playbook wrapped in appealing religious phraseology and platitudes, a framework for never-ceasing revolution and rebellion. It sees its mission fulfilled through constant class warfare, be it economic, racial, gender, or sexual warfare. It confers upon itself a mantle of moral high ground but, in fact, is not a moral category at all, rather a political category. Furthermore, it dangerously overturns classic morality by redefining morality downward and leftward.

Katharine was a strong advocate for true social justice throughout her life. She firmly believed in the inherent dignity and worth of every person, and dedicated herself to fighting for equality and fairness. Her words serve as a reminder to all of us to be active in promoting social justice.

Her inspiring words on social justice: “We must give more in order to get more. It is in the generous giving of ourselves that produces the generous harvest.” This quote reminds us that true justice requires us to give of ourselves selflessly. By giving our time, resources, and energy to those in need, we can help create a more just society.

Prayer: Ever Loving God, you called St. Katharine Drexel to teach the message of the gospel and to bring the life of the Eucharist to the Black and Native American peoples. Through her prayers and example, enable us to work for justice among the poor and oppressed. Draw us all into the Eucharistic community of Your Church, that we may be one in You. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Saint Katharine Drexel | Stories of Saints (12:30)

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