Ministries Within the Church

Sacramental & Liturgical Ministries

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are registered parishioners, men and women, committed to feeding that spiritual hunger within us all, commissioned by the bishop and delegated by the pastor to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion, the Body and Blood of Christ, under the appearance of bread and wine, and bring the Blessed Sacrament to the sick and housebound.

Communion to the sick and housebound is a ministry dear to the heart and soul of all parishioners who call Saint John Parish their spiritual and sacramental home.  Men and women as well as the pastor carry, when and as necessary, Holy Communion to all who cannot attend mass.  Therefore, all who cannot be present in the church building for mass need to call the parish office and request that Christ Jesus, the “source and summit” of God’s immense love for us, be brought to them.

Lectors, proclaimers of Sacred Scripture, also are registered parishioners – men and women and teens who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation – delegated and trained to share God’s good and holy word during the liturgy, and who assist in the proclamation of the general intercessions – the prayers of the faithful.

Ushers and greeters also are registered parishioners, men and women and teens, who provide a valuable service.   Besides welcoming and seating, they also locate the restrooms, direct movement within the church building, assist with emergency services, participate in the offertory procession, and distribute the parish bulletins.

Altar servers include men and women as well as boys and girls of all sizes and ages who assist at the daily and weekend liturgies, weddings and funerals, and other special occasion needs such as anniversaries.

Music Ministry

To be a member of the adult choir, persons of interest need to possess the desire to serve the Lord in songs of praise.

“He who sings prays twice.” ― Saint Augustine

If you are interested in joining our adult choir, please call our parish office (814-495-5241) leaving your name and phone number.

What is liturgy? (6:43)

The Meaning of Liturgy (3:12)

Your Pastor Needs Help. Here’s Where You Come In. (7:00)

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