Catechism – Paragraph #525

Posted on December 20, 2024

Catechism Meditation:

Jesus was born in a humble stable, into a poor family. Simple shepherds were the first witnesses to this event. In this poverty heaven’s glory was made manifest. The Church never tires of singing the glory of this night: The Virgin today brings into the world the Eternal and the earth offers a cave to the Inaccessible. The angels and shepherds praise him and the magi advance with the star, for you are born for us, Little Child, God eternal!  No. 525

REFLECTION.  The Nativity scene reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas. It shows the humble birth of Jesus in a stable. He was born in a simple place to show God’s love for us. In his book, The Life of All Living, Fulton Sheen describes the Nativity of Jesus Christ… One night there went out over the stillness of the evening breeze, out over the chalky hills of Bethlehem, the cry of a new born babe. “The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us.” Earth did not hear the cry, for the earth slept; men did not hear the cry, for they did not know that a Child could be greater than a man; kings did not hear the cry; for they did not know that a King could be born in a stable; empires did not hear the cry, for empires did not know that an Infant could hold the reins that steer suns and worlds in their courses. But shepherds and philosophers heard the cry, for only the very simple and the very learned know that the heart of a God can cry out in the cry of a Child. And they came with gifts―and adored, and so great was the majesty seated on the brow of the Child, so great was the dignity of the babe, so powerful was the light of these eyes that shone like celestial suns, that they could not help but cry out: “Emmanuel: God is with us.”

The Newborn Christ is not found where we expect him to be, nor does his birth conform to any script we would design. We don’t find the know-it-alls at the Nativity scene. Only the humble are there. Humility: that’s what we should learn from the shepherds and the magi. That’s their “entrance ticket” to the Nativity scene. That’s also what is required of us if we want to approach the baby Jesus. As Pope Francis puts it, “This is the lesson of Christmas: humility is the great condition for faith, for the spiritual life and for holiness. May the Lord grant it to us as a gift.”

PRAYER.  Dear God, thank You for showing Your love to us through the humble birth of Jesus. Help us to remember that Your love is for everyone, and teach us how we can show Your love to others, even in simple and humble ways.

Timeless Wisdom Quote:

“Christmas is not for sophomores who live under the illusion that they read all of Darwin or for the self-wise who think Marx is wiser than Mark. It is only for the very learned, the great scientists, the profound theologians who are heirs of the wise men who discovered Wisdom. At the other end of the spectrum are the simple people who know nature better than books, who have insights deeper than the impure and a vision which sees in the night. These are the heirs of the shepherds who find their way to the Shepherd of their souls.” ― Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

Featured Video:

The Nativity – Fulton Sheen Timeless Wisdom (3:24)

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