Catechism – Paragraph #900

Posted on May 3, 2024

Catechism Meditation:

[The laity’s] activity in ecclesial communities is so necessary that, for the most part, the apostolate of pastors cannot be fully effective without it.  No. 900

REFLECTION.  Everyone talks about the priest shortage, but what about the laity shortage? The failure to participate in Sunday Mass and Parish life by “non-practicing” Catholics constitutes another sort of crisis, one that seriously hampers the work of the priests we do have.

PRAYER.  Lord, may all the baptized hear and know Your voice and seek You in the community of the faithful.

Timeless Wisdom Quote:

“In almost nine cases out of ten, those who have once had the Faith but now reject it, or claim that it does not make sense, are driven not by reasoning but by the way they are living.” ― Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

Featured Video:

Is THIS the Solution to the Shortage of Priests? (2:40)

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